sábado, agosto 28, 2010

Our Bucket list

Since we started the list I've been wanting to compile it in one place and I decided this was as good of a place as anywhere else. So,here it is.

1. Go on a sailboat.
2. Skydiving
3. Scuba diving
4. Bungee jumping
5. Go on a cross country drive across europe
6. Watching an opera at la Scalla
7. Visit machu pichu
8. Swim with dolphins
9. Visit Disney
10.Explore india (Visit the Taj Mahal)by train.
11.Visit Cairo and Egypt
12.Go to Jerusalem
13.Road trip In America (New York, Las Vegas, S.Francisco)
14.Watch a broadway show
15.Go to Alaska and ride a sleigh
16.Volunteering for a year in Africa
17.Go "down under", including New Zealand
18.A cross country train ride (oriental express) across russia
19.Visit Tibet and Pray in a temple
20.Stand in the Great wall of China
21.Visit East Timor
22.Sponsor a children
23.Learn to Tango
24.watch a show together of someone we love as an artist
25.To visit the West Coast of Ireland
26.Regular sleep and wake up
27.See a tulips' flower camp in Holland
28.To see the blooming of the Neelakurinji flower

There are 28 items on that list, but I'm sure we can add more. Let me know what you think.

2 comentários:

RRC disse...

This is a great list. The first on the list should be to meet :) I cant wait to kick off the list with that "item"

Aryabhatta disse...

I was reading this today :) And I was thinking the first on the list .. Meeting was done :)