I've found this today and thought it was so appropriate that I decided to post the lyrics here. Miss you!
I know that the bridges that I've burned along the way Have left me with these walls and these scars that won't go away And opening up has always been the hardest thing Until you came
So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go This feeling I'm feeling is something I've never known And I just can't take my eyes off you And I just can't take my eyes off you
I love when you tell me that I'm pretty when I just wake up And I love how you tease me when I'm moody, but it's never too much. I'm falling fast, but the truth is I'm not scared at all You climbed my wall
So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go This feeling I'm feeling is something I've never known And I just can't take my eyes off you And I just can't take my eyes off you, off you, off you
So lay here beside me, just hold me and don't let go Oh, this feeling I'm feeling is something I've never known And I just can't take my eyes off you And I just can't take my eyes off you
I always loved some old tunes and the one I found today it's one I like much. That's why I'm posting it here. It's one of those songs YOU feel like you known it forever...Timeless. It also makes me feel a bit melancholic...I don't know why I always imagine myself sitting in the dock of the bay while someone sings that song. Maybe one day we could do that. I think that would be amazing. Maybe that should be in our buckets list as well. What do you think?
Yesterday, I decided to arrange a menu for the whole week, so this morning I went to Miranda and bought all the ingredients I needed. I bought a lot of spices, some creams and mushrooms and nice meat and fish. Since I'm a newby in the cooking arena, I am mostly sticking to the recipe. Today, everything went well. I made Fettuccine with chicken and mushrooms sauce. My family loved it. I will post the recipe here. Maybe I can cook that for you one day, even if you don't like meat...
Here's the recipe:
-5 chicken breasts -250 gr of laminated mushrooms -50 gr of butter -4 soup spoons of brandy -2 dl of creams -200 gr of fettucine -2 onions -salt, pepper, spices, oil
Put salt and a pint of olive oil in a pan and boil the fettuccine for 12 minutes. When it is done, take it out and let it rest.
Prepare the chicken by chopping it in small pieces. In a pan add the butter and the oil and join the small chicken pieces until they are really tender and with a nice golden colour. Take it out and let it rest.
Chop off the onions and the mushrooms and put them in the pan where the chicken has been cooked. Let it get golden and join the mushrooms. Let it cook for 12 minutes. After that join the chicken and mix it all very well. Let it cook for 2 minutes.
Finally add the creams, the brandy and the seasoning as you like it. Stir and pour it on the fettuccine.
Since my nights have been a bit dull without you, I've been coming to a site I've found a couple of years ago and that is extremely important in the battle of fighting hunger in the world. It is the free rice site where you play to raise grains of rice.
It was built as a word game. You have to find synonyms for the word given and for each answer you answer correctly the world food program of United Nations gets 10 grains of rice.
It's not only something that will make you feel better about yourself, but also something that will allow you to learn something new, since you will be dealing with words.
If you were here I would like to watch this film with you. Remember, I've told you I've read the book a while ago...well, I'm curious how the film would be, since I actually liked the book. Recently, I've been rereading some passages because actually they help me to remember you. Some are quite wise and they make me understand where you are and what I might have to do to get where you are.
Since we started the list I've been wanting to compile it in one place and I decided this was as good of a place as anywhere else. So,here it is.
1. Go on a sailboat. 2. Skydiving 3. Scuba diving 4. Bungee jumping 5. Go on a cross country drive across europe 6. Watching an opera at la Scalla 7. Visit machu pichu 8. Swim with dolphins 9. Visit Disney 10.Explore india (Visit the Taj Mahal)by train. 11.Visit Cairo and Egypt 12.Go to Jerusalem 13.Road trip In America (New York, Las Vegas, S.Francisco) 14.Watch a broadway show 15.Go to Alaska and ride a sleigh 16.Volunteering for a year in Africa 17.Go "down under", including New Zealand 18.A cross country train ride (oriental express) across russia 19.Visit Tibet and Pray in a temple 20.Stand in the Great wall of China 21.Visit East Timor 22.Sponsor a children 23.Learn to Tango 24.watch a show together of someone we love as an artist 25.To visit the West Coast of Ireland 26.Regular sleep and wake up 27.See a tulips' flower camp in Holland 28.To see the blooming of the Neelakurinji flower 29....
There are 28 items on that list, but I'm sure we can add more. Let me know what you think.
Quizá no fue coincidencia encontrarme contigo Tal vez esto lo hizo el destino Quiero dormirme de nuevo en tu pecho Y después me despierten tus besos Tu sexto sentido sueña conmigo Sé que pronto estaremos unidos Esa sonrisa traviesa que vive conmigo Sé que pronto estaré en tu camino Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos Así que no me dejes caer Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos
[Estribillo] Te envío poemas de mi puño y letra Te envío canciones de 4.40 Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela Y así me recuerdes y tengas presente Que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos Cuidado, cuidado Que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos
No perderé la esperanza de hablar contigo No me importa que dice el destino Quiero tener tu fragancia conmigo Y beberme de tí lo prohibido Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos Así que no me dejes caer Sabes que estoy colgando en tus manos
[Estribillo] Te envío poemas de mí puño y letra Te envío canciones de 4.40 Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela Y así, así me recuerdes y tengas presente Que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos
Cuidado, cuidado(mucho cuidado) Cuiado, Marta yo te digo Me tienes en tus manos No importa que diga el destino Quédate conmigo Lo quiero todo de tí Tus labios tu cariño lo prohibido
[Estribillo] Te envío poemas de mi puño y letra Te envío canciones de 4.40 Te envío las fotos cenando en Marbella Y cuando estuvimos por Venezuela Y así me recuerdes y tengas presente Que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos
Cuidado, cuidado Que mi corazón está colgando en tus manos(3)
Muchas veces cuando empiezo a escribir sobre las cosas de la vida y sobre las bromas del pasar de las horas, la memoria me hace falta y siento que NO hay nada a decir aunque tenga la cabeza llena de pensamientos. Pero, eses pensamientos se revolotean Y no se desnudan sin trazos ciertos. Me siento morir. Porqué no tengo la capacidad de ser lo que soy y nada más? Porqué intento escribir cosas que no me hacen falta...Hay muchas palabras que me hacen falta, pero no las escribo. Porqué me siento como se fuera la ultima mujer encima de la tierra a buscar el inalcanzable...Porqué?
Caros leitores, a partir deste momento, decidi que começarei a poupar nos "ss". O seguidor que me perdoe a falta de atenção, a partir de agora, escreverei orgulhosamente no singular.
Se estavam à espera que contasse a história das compras podem estar bem descansados...Isto afinal é um blog sério.
ve separated my life from truth This cold air taste real Ive stumbled back Im back My lamp is almost burned Reminds me of your eyes When you calmly said
Weve no more space For all your tired and dirty past And I believe it all to be true Beyond this time, youll pull through
My lamp has almost burned Reminds me of your eyes When you calmly said
Weve no more space For all your tired and dirty past And I believe it all to be true Beyond this time, youll pull through
"Pesa o silêncio no palco da vida", e pesa a vida em ti, e pesam os sentidos que constróis e que gritam, gritam: és tu, tu és quem eu quero! Pesa o silêncio no palco da vida e, e eu ofusco esse silêncio, não me quero calar, Silêncio grita comigo!
O rio que corre no teu olhar: um olhar que é verde e é rio, esse rio corre sem parar e abre em mim rio e mar que morre. Corre e morre, morre e corre porque é rio, rio frio do olhar... Brilha no escuro porque é estrela, luzeiro nas noites inquietas, lembrança de conversas secretas, secretas como o brilho do brilhar... Esse olhar é meu, é teu,é do mundo, é da vida. É o olhar que prometeu, prometeu horizontes perdidos sem saída! É assim o teu olhar! É assim este rio! Rio que corre, olhar que morre, No brilho de cada despedida
Porque é que a culpa tem de ser sempre minha, mesmo quando não tive culpa nenhuma? Acho que sou um bom bode expiatório para a minha mãe. Quando algo se estraga ou não funciona a culpa é sempre minha...Estou a ficar cansada disto. Podem fazer o favor de lhe dizer que só porque sou um pouco desastrada, isso não significa que seja a culpada de todos os males do mundo! Vou ver se durmo e se me passa O MAU humor porque hoje o dia não esteve pelos ajustes. Não esteve não!!
oh please tell me about love I never really understood that stuff Days fall into nights But wrong won't turn to right
When you reach the top of the tree And there's nothing left to see Do we lay and die? Another on to run dry
So what's this life What's this life we've chosen? What it would be like If we started all over again?
Oh please tell me about love I never really understood that stuff
So what's this life What's this life we've chosen? What it would be like If we started all over again? And I just might, I just might be brave and bold And what it would be like If we started all over again?
Há alguns dias, em conversa, disse que não esperava nada deste ano e, por isso, não tinha grandes planos ou resoluções. A verdade é que é muito mais fácil fazer isso. Pensando bem, acho que é uma forma bastante cobarde de se viver, mas de qualquer das formas é o que pretendo fazer. Acredito que não vale a pena esperar muito, pois sei que esperar só leva a mais espera, assim sendo, sob pena de ser cobarde, não vou esperar nada, vou apenas Ser. QUE venham mais dias, meses de não espera.
Uma boa forma de alienar as poucas pessoas que lêem o que escrevo é deixar de actualizar o blog, logo querido seguidor, peço imensas desculpas por isso. Espero que tenhas tido um óptimo natal e uma passagem de ano fantástica. Hm, achas que me podes perdoar? LOL